Saturday, August 31, 2019

Leadership and multiple ways of looking at the world

Human nature is not an easy term to define, but every day’s activities of an individual revolve around the human nature of that person. The nature of a person may dictate such things as, how to handle various situations, how does one relate with others etc. Therefore human nature is both a product of physical environment of an individual and the biological aspects that a person might have inherited from the ancestors. A good person There are varied viewpoints on how one should be a good person. This is affected by the moral obligation of a person on how they perceive a good person to be and how they can achieve that. The society has got some moral standards that have been set which happens to be static and rigid (Schein, 1992). But with the gestalt that guides a good person, they happen to be flexible and dynamic. A good person will first envision a certain behavior, perform it and compare its outcome with what is the standard of the good. The outcome of the comparison will make the person consider whether taking the behavior or not. The choice is then made according to what fits the goodness described. Therefore, the judgment of a good person depends on how the individual takes that judgment. Moral behavior is an important concept of identity of a good person. Apart from moral uprightness, good character also is part of a good person. Within good characters, will obviously lay good moral behavior. To increase some good personalities in the organization, it is good to give rewards to those considered to be of good quality character. Many of the things that might come in mind when a person is asked about qualities of a good person are those who are kind, helpful, caring, understanding and patient. In most cases a just person will really try as much as possible to do to others what he/she might also want it done to them. This implies that rewards and punishment should be given where it is due supposed to be. Therefore people in a group who will show kindness and understanding to others deserve reward. These are people who in most cases will also be helpful to others and show patience whenever they feel that something is not going as much as they like. With rewarding this, it will increase the development of good characters as the physical environment rather than only depending on the inherited traits can also influence human nature. According to Schein (1992), rewards acts as an incentives of making people to learn. Therefore, people who show kindness to others and obey law also deserve reward. In many organization people have been subjected to reprisal actions because of being whistleblowers.   In any organization, if the management does not follow the laid down procedures and ethical behaviors there are high chances of employees with good characters to disclose such wrong doings. Many managers have developed the art of bureaucracy and autocracy in the organization that they don’t give room for the employees to give their views. But many people do not want to talk about their organizational problems in public due to the fact that they feel that it is dirty politicizing their organization (Morgan, 2004). There can be cases such as embezzlement of funds, mistreating of employees and favoritism in the organization. Such behaviors, especially fund embezzlement requires employees with a strong character who believes in upright morality to disclose the information or else, it may remain a silent matter and thus at the end hurt the organization. High & Low context Culture in the organization. High context culture refers to a situation where by a group of people in the society have had a close relationship spanning for a long period of time. In this culture, there is high emphasis on interpersonal relationships. With this kind of culture in place people develop a high sense of trust among themselves, putting personal interest aside and concentrating on the general interest of the group or society. The events in this culture can only can ony be understood in context, (Schein, 1992). On the other hand low context culture represents a society of people with so many connections but only spanning for a short period of time. In this culture, logic, factors and directness are highly valued. Therefore problems in the organization have to be lined up and then solve one after the other. Decisions concerning problems have to be based on the factors rather than intuition. There are various differences between the high and low context culture. In the high context culture, the group members have a long-term relationship with strong boundaries. They consider the relationship to be more important than the tasks performed. Contrary in the low context culture, it is characterized by shorter relationships with no strong boundaries, putting the tasks ahead of the relationship. According to Schein, group leaders sets the boundaries while the group members are the one to test the effectiveness of the boundaries. Another different between the two is the barrier to enter. High context’s strong boundaries create a big problem for any outsider to enter the relationship as compared to the low relationship, which allows for outsiders to enter easily. This is because the low context culture has a unidirectional culture as compared to the mutual casualty of high context. My workplace is an example of a low context culture. This is because of the following, it is not difficult to enter the organization as long as one has the required qualification and there is a vacancy, then equal chances of employment are given to all; the individuals output is highly considered than his/her relationship with the organization; there are objectives that the organization has to achieve, one after the other starting from the immediate objectives to long term; any decision made or arrived at has to be based on facts of the business environment. Social construction Reality. When people come together and interact for a certain period, they form a culture that arises because of the mode they decide to behave or influences certain behavior. In such cases, the behavior might lead to certain conventional rules of behavior differentiating this group from the other groups in the society. According to Morgan (2004), â€Å"when we talk of culture, we are usually referring to the pattern of development reflected in a society’s system of knowledge, ideology, values, laws, and day-to-day ritual†, (pp 116). In constructing the social realities, there are factors about certain behaviors that have been put in place, these have consists of objective factors. The constructing of social realities depends on both the physical and social realities. In physical reality, it represents a certain organization, for instance a workplace, school, or churches, while the social reality will consist of the inhabitants of the physical reality. The rules that are formed and followed by human being in the physical reality ends up affecting the whole original physical reality. For instance, when an organization puts down certain values embedded in the organization’s motto, it is not that it is the physical organization that brought about the motto, but rather that the humans just came up with the belief and have made it a universal belief. All those who will be coming after the original thinkers and proponents of the motto will also have to follow same suit and behave in the same manner. This kind of values of the organization governs its members. In continued development of the values, it forms the basis of the organizational culture. There is no any correct culture, as many organizations happen to compete each other.   Therefore, the correct culture is only that which helps the organization to achieve its goals and objectives (Schein, 1992). When an organization finds certain means of doing its duties to achieve the objectives it becomes now a habit for all of that community to follow same suit. This implies that it will be a habitualization of the organization to be performing those activities in that manner in future. The problem with habitualization in the organization is that it narrows down the other means of doing the same job in a different way that may be beneficial to the organization. Reference: Morgan. G (2004): Images of the Organization, Sage Publication Inc, ISBN 1412939798 Schein E. H (1992): Organizational Culture and, Leadership, Jossey-Bass, ISBN 1555424872.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Environment: Global Warming and Current Carbon Dioxide Essay

Ansel Adams, a photographer and environmentalist, once said, â€Å"Once destroyed, nature’s beauty cannot be repurchased at any price. † Mother Earth is known as the one of the most beautiful planets and is the only planet that can support life. Unfortunately, Mother Earth is suffering due to many environmental problems that may affect humans and the ecosystem. These problems can result in major consequences for everyone’s daily life. The major environmental problems that are facing the world today are global warming, deforestation and air pollution. First of all, one of the greatest environmental concerns we have today is global warming. Global warming refers to the gradual increase in the earth’s average surface temperature. Global warming has resulted in several consequences. The rise of water temperature is related to global warming. The increase of water temperature is responsible in killing the ecosystem in the water as they could not tolerate the heat. For instance, coral reefs are highly sensitive to small changes in water temperature. Scientists say if current carbon dioxide emission trends continue on, the world coral reefs could be virtually destroyed by 2050. Global warming is indeed very worrying as it poses a great danger for our survivor. The sun’s scorching heat comes to Earth directly and hence the earth’s surface becomes seriously heated. Sea level is increasing rapidly as glaciers are melting with steady pace engulfing the islands having low land level. Research has been done that Maldives will sink by the end of the century due to rise of sea level as most of the land on the islands is just a metre above sea level. Furthermore, sea levels have risen between 4-8 inches worldwide during the last century, and experts predict they could rise as much 2 feet in the next 100 years. Next, deforestation is one of the major determinants of the world’s environmental problem. Deforestation refers to the cutting down and removal of all or most of the trees in a forested area. Deforestation has resulted in numerous adverse effects. Deforestation can cause biodiversity to decline. When forest is cleared, wildlife is deprived of habitat and becomes more vulnerable to hunting. In addition, 80% of the world’s documented species can be found in tropical rainforests and deforestation puts at risk a majority of the Earth’s biodiversity. Moreover, deforestation has caused soil erosion because when the soil is exposed to sun, it became very dry and eventually, infertile and could not be cultivated. When there is rainfall, it washes away the soil to the river then to the sea. Take the case of China, from the Yellow River, over 1. 6 billion tons of sediment flows into the ocean each year. The sediment comes mainly from soil erosion in the Loess Plateau in the northwest of the country. Finally, one of the most concern environmental problems today is air pollution. Air pollution generally means the contamination of air by smoke and other poisonous gases. Air pollution has resulted in several problems. Air pollution affects the health of people adversely such as heart disease and damage to the brain, nerves, liver, or kidneys. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 2 million premature deaths are caused each year due to air pollution in cities across the world. Furthermore, air pollution can result in acid rain which can cause paint to peel, corrosion of steel structures such as bridges, and erosion of stone statues. Also, air pollutantssuch as carbon dioxide can cause ocean acidification which harm fish and other aquatic life. Air pollution has affected human’s everyday life, for instance, air pollution in Beijing has gone literally off the charts: the levels are so bad that they go well beyond the worst possible rating on the official air quality index. Mother Earth is our home and we have done so much harm to her. We should be responsible for the environmental problems we have caused. In order to prevent further destruction to Mother Earth, we have start now before it is too late. Firstly, though there is no known solution to global warming yet, there are solutions that will aid to prevent it from growing even further. For instance, planting a tree as a nation because during photosynthesis, trees absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen and the cycle carry on when there is light available. A single tree can absorb approximately one ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime. Also, through recycling half of the household waste, we can save 2,400 pounds of carbon dioxide annually. Secondly, there are no direct solutions to deforestation but many countries in the world have started reforestation and forestry, and East Asian nations are leading in this regard. Many East Asian countries, including China, have successfully managed to reverse deforestation. Likewise, by making suitable changes in the law, so that cutting trees in a forest area becomes a major crime. Through this, deforestation can be control. Last but not least, to solve air pollution, flue-gas desulfurisation can be use to remove sulfur dioxide from exhaust flue gases of fossil fuels power plants.  In order to reduce air pollution, cars are manufactured with catalytic converters which will convert harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide to harmless substances such as carbon dioxide. In conclusion, we, the human race are the cause of all these environmental problems. We should work together and help preserve and protect Mother Earth. If we don’t act now, the magnificent world will vanish and soon, all living things would suffer. It is our duty to help carry out actions that will help cease the threats that our environment is facing now.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Business and Professional munication Management

Reflection report helps analyse and develop particular skills in relation to a particular course. Any transfer of learning or skills gained is identified by thorough analysis of personal skills and knowledge level. The course that I attended was well designed that attends to future careers of students. Hence, this reflection journal helps understand the particular skill levels gained during the course work. There are three relevant areas of knowledge gained during the course, MAT10706, Quantitative methods with economic, MKT00075, Marketing principles and 00207 munication in Organization. A critical assessing of knowledge gained against each areas have been ascertained. While undertaking coursework during graduation there are several attributes that I have gained. The analysis of each attribute against each course and levels of expertise makes difference in relevant areas  (Burda & Wyploss, 2013). I have gained tremendous intellectual rigor in field of Quantitative methods with economic. I have b e capable in analyzing various scholarly articles and developing a critical review for the same. While the field of this discipline is vast I have learned the attributes from a large number of self-help books that was available in the library. This field of knowledge has given me ethical practice guidelines which made me adopt high ethical standards in professional and social practice.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The discipline of Marketing principles have provided me with several creative attributes, that allowed me to effectively respond to intellectual, professional and social challenges  (Blythe, 2008). I feel I have b e proficient in this domain from my practices of multiple case studies and real life situational analysis. There has been high transfer of learning pertaining to the discipline as well which allowed a smooth transition which contributed to munal and professional areas. Communication in organization is a necessary domain that needs to be learnt by each and every individual undertaking this course. munication forms the basis for personal and professional success. This domain has the attributes of providing life-long learning opportunities that enables individual capabilities to change  (DeVito, 2007). It e passes a reflective process through information literacy, self-managed learning and being autonomous. I have conducted self-analysis for this domain which reflects that I am a novice in the field. munication allows interacting with individual, teams and professional through munity settings. Being employed in a professional field in any organization allows for capability to attend to diversified cultural settings. munication will enable me to interact with Indigenous as well as other people from a varied background. Though I have made attempts to learn and develop my skills pertaining to all disciplines within my course but critical analysis reveals certain gaps in knowledge. For Quantitative methods with economics I have developed capabilities but I needs to further resort to self-help books and journals for a guided learning experience  (Baye, 2006). All professors in this course provided various important and versatile theories. But I have not been able to develop my knowledge and skill for this area of expertise. For Marketing Principles I have been highly proficient in multiple numbers of ways. I feel I have developed professional attitude with respect to the domain of marketing with highly creative skills. I feel I can easily develop this area of knowledge further to b e an expert in the domain  (Armstrong, 2014). I need to take help from my professors and friends who have excelled in these disciplines to guide me for developing relevant concepts related to marketing strategies. I can easily prepare marketing plans and analyse cases but I face difficulty in catering to diversified field of developing marketing strategies. Which can be easily be developed by means of learning ways, methods and procedures that contemporary organization use.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Communication is the most relevant field of study in personal as well as professional life. In order to develop my novice to being a proficient person in munication, I plan to undertake a small course in munication for professionals  (DiSanza, 2016). I will regularly maintain a journal and note my areas of improvements by means of feedback from friends and colleagues. This will allow me to develop my skills in an organized manner. Self-reflection is a way and method that enables addressing of short falls in areas of knowledge, skills and expertise. Through analysis of my own self I was able to diagnose area of expertise in which I lag and need to improve. The steps of improvements will be applied over the next month such that I am able to emerge as a professional in an organization. Through maintain of personal journal in areas of expertise and levels of experience I will reach my goals of developing an expertise knowledge and emerge as a highly professional executive. Armstrong, G. A. (2014). Principles of marketing. Pearson Australia. Baye, M. a. (2006). Managerial economics and business strategy (Vol. 5). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Blythe, J. (2008). Essentials of marketing. . Pearson Education. Burda, & Wyploss. (2013). Macroeconomics. Glassgow, Gret Britain: Bell&BrainLtd. DeVito, J. A. (2007). Interpersonal munication Book. The, 13/E. New York, NY: Pearson International. DiSanza, J. R. (2016). Business and professional munication: Plans, processes, and performance. Pearson.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Cybersecurity Threats and the Future of the Internet Research Paper

Cybersecurity Threats and the Future of the Internet - Research Paper Example This would make the medium of Internet and technology more effective and less vulnerable. Key words: Cyber threats, virtualization, network infiltration, cloud computing, SaaS. Internet has come of age through its overall journey. The progress has been a fast paced one and has completely brought about revolution in the digital world. The future promises much more. Virtualizations, Web 2.0, customization, Nano technology are few of the concepts that the medium of Internet offer (Livingston, 2010, 13). Objectives: The paper looks into the various forms of threats faced by modern day digital world, this is followed by the overall assessment of the Internet journey, the present day outlook of technology and the future prospect and potential developments associated. This accompanied by the various kinds of threats faced and the potential damages that can be caused. The last part of the paper contains the possible counter means and measures available which can make the world of Internet a more secure and reliable one to operate in. Concept of Cyber Security: The term cyber security pertains to enacting actions that are necessary to be taken into account for safe and better services and operations in this medium. The field of cyber technology is a double edged sword. It enables achieving what would not be possible in the manual methods over work of months and weeks, at the same time despite being lighting fast in its outlook, if it goes wrong, it can cause havoc. These threats come in various forms ranging from internal threats and variants to the external forces that are operating outside. They form an industry all together with billions of dollars being spent in the field and most of their activities being destructive and harmful to the common users in different ways. Since the cyber technology scope is part of almost every discipline, therefore every field is at stake and risk from it. Ranging from the communication means to scientific research, governmental organi zations all are operated on digital interface and as a result proper care and consideration must be given to the security factor. Broadly a complete set of entities exist that work as threat to the normal operational existence of computers and digital technologies. They come in form of viruses, Trojan horses, malwares, Spam and various other sources that are destructive in their nature and cause damages at different levels. Countering them requires comprehensive strategy formation at different levels. Government agencies are a direct target in many instances and recent findings have shown that 2012 saw increased percentage of damages being inflicted upon government organizations as a result of comprehensive attacks launched against the networks of government structures. Department of homeland Security is equally warned and has aimed at assessing the rates and percentages and the particular areas where these vulnerabilities are present and have attacked the networks (Powner, 2005). T hrough their findings they have established that over the past year or so, the rate of increase has been alarmingly high and stands in the figure of over 600 percent increase. FBI director dealing with the vulnerabilities and overall nature and structure of technology presented a very alarming outlook of technology and stated that considering that amount of increase and overall tendencies of attacks on the governmental orga

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How did the role of woman changed in the Egyptian movies today Research Paper

How did the role of woman changed in the Egyptian movies today compared to the old movies black white movies - Research Paper Example This is achieved through the support filmmakers receive from the government of Egypt. Egypt films possess ethnographic qualities and depict the situation of life in Egypt. Among the Arab countries, Egypt allows more participation of women in the film industries. Family conservatism, religious issues, male chauvinism and inadequate exposure to the film industry constitute some reasons causing Arab women to stay away from the film. While most Arabs viewed actresses as prostitutes, this view held no water in Egypt. Hence, the participation of Egyptian women in the film never created problems. Egyptian women participate in the film as actors, writers, directors, and even producers. Egyptian women participate both in front or behind the camera. The role of women in film continues to evolve from the black and white era to the 21st century. While the films in the past simply portrayed women as females, recent Egyptian films highlight the contemporary life of the Egyptian woman (Khouri, M, 2 010). The woman’s role in the Egyptian society continues to evolve, and filmmakers continue to reflect the changes in the films. The role of women in film continues to evolve from the feminism era during Nasser’s time to tackle fundamental issues facing women in the Egyptian society. 1930s and 1940s This period came immediately after the silent era. Although the picture quality still stood below standard at the time, the films majorly emulated those of old Hollywood. They mainly told stories of high society and low society class members. The films completely ignored the middle class at the time. The women’s role in the films majorly categorized women into two. The two categories included women from rich societies and those from the poor society. The costumes and ornamentation of women in the film connoted the difference in the two types of women. Women from the upper class were portrayed as glamorous and feminine. Meanwhile, men in the films appeared to be fragi le, poor or ultra masculine. The portrayal of gender roles at this time created an avenue to show modernization and class in a melodramatic way (Sakr, N, 2004). The Egyptian films at the time also constituted of the theme of love. The films depicted impossible love due to the disparity in class and social status. Women majorly played the role of the female. All they did in the film was waiting for a man to fight for them. The films advanced female weakness and victimization by choosing male actors with feminine features. Hence although, the character tried to fight for his love, he failed and became a victim. Observing films produced between 1930s and 1940s reveals the fact that male victims in films always possessed soft feminine features. Though indirect the passivity and powerlessness of these men in films further made the woman look weak in the society. The negative portrayal of women in the 30s and 40s film continued as women of the higher class represented or symbolized foreig n occupation. The high class woman also symbolized the monarchy and its corruption at the time. High class women in the Egyptian films always played the role of a socialite; a conniving woman who always seeks more power and wealth. The women in the films often plotted against their husbands and friends in order to achieve the wealth and power. This portrayal represented what the monarchy and colonial governments did to Egypt. The peasant woman, on the other hand, always played a naive peasant girl. A rich man lies to

Monday, August 26, 2019

Vladimir Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vladimir - Essay Example he conflict took the ugly turn of vandalism – an act committed in secrecy since the concerned person could not directly confront Vladimir, but he left enough indications of his ire in the message that was scrawled on Vladimir’s car. The easy way to resolve the crisis can be to dismiss the vandal and hand him over to the police together with the evidence, but such an approach would in no way improve the interpersonal relations within the team. On the other hand, it might exasperate the already tense atmosphere since the opposing camps feel justified in the ugly event and the resultant punishment. The conflict would linger and lead to repetition in due course, because no attempt is being made to rectify behavioral patterns. A better way to deal with the crisis is to address the root cause of the problem and iron out differences through counseling. This would be a learning or retraining process in the context of team work and common goals of an organization. According to Thompson, â€Å"Many conflicts in teams emerge because people feel misunderstood or ignored† (Thompson, as quoted in Halverson and Tirmizi, 2008, p.214). By bringing into open the behavioral aspects of the warring factions, a possibility ca n be created whereby misunderstandings can be reduced. In the proposed counseling session, the rough edges of Vladimir’s behavior would be exposed to sensitize him to the feelings of his teammates. In a similar manner, instances of Vladimir’s failed attempts to cope with his lesser-endowed colleagues would also be recounted to demonstrate that as a person Vladimir is not averse to correct himself and his behavior. The consequences of handing over the surveillance tapes to the police, dismissal and prosecution will be brought forth strongly to deter repetition of such behavior. Simultaneously, the counseling process would be demonstrated as the management’s goodwill gesture for the first time offence, provided both parties realize their shortcomings and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Toyota Company in China Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Toyota Company in China - Case Study Example This paper will use the Porters five forces model as well as SWOT analysis in assessing the market entry strategy employed by Toyota Company to enter the Chinese market. Hill and Jones (2007) affirm that once the boundary of an organisation has been established, strategic planning managers are faced with the task of analysing competitive forces with the organisational climate to establish threats and opportunities. The Porter’s five forces model sheds more light on the five integral forces that shapes competition within an organisation. It also examines the degree of rivalry among firms, the bargaining strength of suppliers, as well as the proximity of the alternatives to the firm’s product as well as the bargaining strength of customers or buyers (Kotler, Berger & Bickhoff 2010). This model stipulates that the higher the degree of strength of each of the five forces, the less the capacity of the identified firms to hike prices and rip maximum returns. In this model, a strong competitive force can be perceived as threat. This is attributed to the fact that stronger competitive forces suppress returns. On the other hand, weak competitive forces can be perceived as opportunity.This is because weak forces enable a firm to make bigger profits (Patnaik 2012). According to Dyck and Neubert (2008), the strength of the five forces can undergo histrionic transformation via time as the firm situations are altered.

Green Marketing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Green Marketing - Term Paper Example The assumed obvious of green marketing is where by customers who are potential will look into products or services as a way to benefit and basing their buying decisions accordingly. With the not so obvious when discussing about green marking is when willingness to pay more of what you are supposed to products which are green alternative comparable product the assumption in which my opinion has not looked at closely and proven. While green marketing is rapidly growing as numbers continue to increase of customer and willing to back their consciousnesses environmentally with their loaded pockets, it will be however dangerous. The communities are skeptical in the sense that green claims and companies would seriously damage their brands and their sales. Sam Walton in the year 1990 had promised that the company by the name of Wal –Mart would reward the company Proctor and Gamble with unique shelf talkers if they however approve to their products that had greener features. When they responded, Wal-Mart’s soon from its shelves were emblazoned with all kinds of reports of the greener features of different products that include bogus ones such as household paper towels where there was the recycled content of the core of the card board but not the paper towels. Activities environmentally called the efforts a sham with two counts: the along the two features has been there, so no true process was made, and the green feature presence necessary didn’t mean a product was overall green. In variation this example could likely be unintentional, green washing case but it set a new standard of eco-communications progress firmly rooted genuinely and with transparency. With green awakening in a mainstream which is squarely in which many companies cater for new eco-awareness users by launching services and products, intentionally or whether not is legitimately less green. The most popular this activity is green washing. Toast by environmentalist to criticize hotel s that encourage visitors to recycle towel by reusing them for environmental reasons but however not done any effort to encourage to recycle waste, green washing accusations can emanate from various places including the media, consumers, competitors, environmentalists an it can be long lasting , serious , and detrimentally big to a reputation of a brand. In the aspect planned in making headlines and discovering an example for every person to heed, advocates target the trusted and influential companies. For BP as company it received an avalanche of critics when launching its Beyond Petroleum campaign worth an estimate of about $200 making its commitment to renew energy which was therefore a fact a 1 percent represented of sales globally; and in that criticism it was gathered or compounded in the Gulf of Mexico by the oil spill. When trying to be a solution provider for green lifestyle market size have to be looked upon by exactly knowing our size of the market we cannot have a precis e count of how much money we could make and trust me no investor whatsoever would be interested. In doing thios we have to be able to first of all define green and then look at every products aspect and then make a decision if there is green product potential or a green product. In every possible categories there are green possibilities, the procedure of sizing market of green products was looking at exact industry and figure out the size and if or not a green product is up in there shown . I have spoke to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Philosophy of Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Philosophy of Education - Essay Example Quality in education matters because without accomplishing some goal, there is no end purpose of that education and each party is wasting time on a meaningless relationship (Brennen). The process of instructing a child must give some meaning. In addition, using some set, objective standard of quality for instructors, one can provide the basis for improvements and advances made in favor the education system. When such a standard exists, educators have an idea of what they should aim for, and they can create plans and objectives to achieve those goals. Goals for children depend upon their age level and individual potential for improvement. For this reason, a teacher must work collaborative to set goals. Not only is it useful to get feedback from children on how much they want to accomplish, it is important to introduce the skill of goal setting early in life. This kind of teaching that encourages an active system of feedback serves to empower children, which will prove useful as they g row older and into adults (Aschermann). In this relationship, children put forward an idea of what they are capable of doing and accomplishing, and the teacher interprets and formalizes those observations.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Multicultural Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Multicultural Film - Essay Example A good definition of film noir was given by Borde and Chaumeton (1955), who refer to film noir as a purely affective phenomenon in the sense that it disturbs viewers, disorients them and produces a profound uneasiness. And it does this by whatever means possible. The historical nature of film noir derives, in large part, from its attempts to disturb. Film noir succeeded in creating a malaise in its audiences by refusing the stylistic and thematic conventions of classical Hollywood cinema. That is, noir arose in the 1940s as a response to and rejection of 1930s Hollywood cinema. In certain films, this refusal of 1930s cinema takes the form of a single scene or shot that violates the norm, such as the tight close-up of an unidentified hand firing a gun at Sam Spade's partner, Archer, near the beginning of The Maltese Falcon movie in 1941 (Belton, 2005). The majority of those who explored the darker reaches of the noir experience were American, born and bred. The source material for the bulk of noir narratives came from the underworld of American pulp fiction. Nearly twenty per cent of the film noirs made between 1941 and 1948 were adaptations of hard-boiled novels written by American authors. Film noir deals with a uniquely American experience of wartime and post-war despair and alienation as a disoriented America readjust to a new social and political reality. Film noir was discovered and christened in postwar France. In 1945, after the Allies liberated Paris, France, an enormous backlog of American films, which had been made during the war but had not been seen in Nazi-controlled territories like France due to the ban made by Germans, reached French screens. A succession of extremely downbeat films is shown in France. This cycle began with a Hammett detective film entitled Maltese Falcon (Huston, 1941). It was an observed that in this cycle of films has subversive strain of behavioral deviance in American films, which at this time became dominated by crime, corruption, cruelty, and an apparent unhealthy interest in the erotic. The French believed then that American film had suddenly turned grimmer, bleaker, and blacker. II. Analysis of the Movies "Maltese Falcon" and "Basic Instinct 2" as Film Noirs The adjective "noir" aptly conveys not only the films' antecedents in the "romans noirs" or black novels but also the essential nature of experience that audiences have in watching the films. These films unsettled audiences. Through their violation of the traditional narrative and stylistic practices of classical Hollywood cinema that oriented and stabilized spectators, these films created an uncomfortable and disturbing malaise or anxiety in their viewers. Film noir is a specific emotional reaction produced by certain films in an audience. In the "Maltese Falcon" and "Basic Instinct 2: Risk Addiction", film noirs can be seen as a purely affective phenomenon such that it produces some emotional responses in people. Not every film noir needs to be noir from start to finish. It needs only to be noir for a moment or two. It requires only a single character, situation or scene that is noir to produce the disturbance or the disorientation that is necessary to give the audience an unsettling twist or distressing jolt. In

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hospitality Industry Essay Example for Free

Hospitality Industry Essay Hospitality is the relationship between guest and host, or the act or practice of being hospitable. Specifically, this includes the reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers, resorts, membership clubs, conventions, attractions, special events, and other services for travelers and tourists. The word hospitality derives from the Latin hospes, which is formed from hostis, which originally meant to have power. In the West today hospitality is rarely a matter of protection and survival, and is more associated with etiquette and entertainment. However, it still involves showing respect for ones guests, providing for their needs, and treating them as equals. Cultures and subcultures vary in the extent to which one is expected to show hospitality to strangers, as opposed to personal friends or members of ones in-group. The hospitality service industry includes hotels, casinos, and resorts, which offer comfort and guidance to strangers, whether it be commercial (for monetary gain) or non-commercial (not for profit). The terms hospital, hospice, and hostel also derive from hospitality, and these institutions preserve more of the connotation of personal care. Hospitality ethics is a discipline that studies this usage of hospitality. The Pakhtun people of South-Central Asia, pre-dominant in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan and Afghanistan have a strong code of hospitality. They are a people characterized by their use of Pakhtunwali, an ancient set of ethics, the first principle of which is Milmastiya or Hospitality. The general area of Pakhtunistan is also nicknamed The Land of Hospitality. To the ancient Greeks, hospitality was a divine right. The host was expected to make sure the needs of his guests were seen to. The ancient Greek term xenia, or theoxenia when a god was involved, expressed this ritualized guest-friendship relation. In Greek society a persons ability to abide the laws to hospitality determined nobility and social standing. Celtic societies also valued the concept of hospitality, especially in terms of protection. A host who granted a persons request for refuge was expected not only to provide food and shelter to his/her guest, but to make sure they did not come to harm while under their care. [2] In India, hospitality is based on the principle Atithi Devo Bhava, meaning the guest is God. This principle is shown in a number of stories where a guest is literally a god who rewards the provider of hospitality. From this stems the Indian approach of graciousness towards guests at home, and in all social situations. Hospitality as a cultural norm or value is an established sociological phenomenon that people study and write papers about (see references, and Hospitality ethics). Some regions have become stereotyped as exhibiting a particular style of hospitality. Hospitality management is the academic study of the hospitality industry. A degree in Hospitality management is often conferred from either a university college dedicated to the studies of hospitality management or a business school with a department in hospitality management studies. Degrees in hospitality management may also be referred to as hotel management, hotel and tourism management, or hotel administration. Degrees conferred in this academic field include Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of Science, Master of Science, Master of Business Administration, and Doctor of Philosophy. Hospitality management studies provides a focus on management of hospitality operations including hotels, restaurants, cruise ships, amusement parks, destination marketing organizations, convention centers, country clubs, and related industries. The hospitality industry consists of land category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, restaurants, event planning, theme parks, transportation, cruise line, and additional fields within the tourism industry. The hospitality industry is a several billion dollar industry that mostly depends on the availability of leisure time and disposable income. A hospitality unit such as a restaurant, hotel, or even an amusement park consists of multiple groups such as facility maintenance, direct operations (servers, housekeepers, porters, kitchen workers, bartenders, etc. , management, marketing, and human resources. The hospitality industry covers a wide range of organizations offering food service and accommodation. The industry is divided into sectors according to the skill-sets required for the work involved. Sectors include accommodation, food and beverage, meeting and events, gaming, entertainment and recreation, tourism services, and visitor information. Usage rate or its inverse vacancy rate is an important variable for the hospitality industry. Just as a factory owner ould wish a productive asset to be in use as much as possible (as opposed to having to pay fixed costs while the factory isnt producing), so do restaurants, hotels, and theme parks seek to maximize the number of customers they process in all sectors. This led to formation of services with the aim to increase usage rate provided by hotel consolidators. Information about required or offered products are brokered on business networks used by vendors as well as purchasers. In viewing various industries, barriers to entry by newcomers and competitive advantages between current players are very important. Among other things, hospitality industry players find advantage in old classics (location), initial and ongoing investment support (reflected in the material upkeep of facilities and the luxuries located therein), and particular themes adopted by the marketing arm of the organization in question (for example at theme restaurants). Very important is also the characteristics of the personnel working in direct contact with the customers. The authenticity, professionalism, and actual concern for the happiness and well-being of the customers that is communicated by successful organizations is a clear competitive advantage.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Efficiency And Effectiveness Of Supply Chains Management Essay

Efficiency And Effectiveness Of Supply Chains Management Essay Introduction Ensuring the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chains in the food sector is an important challenge to todays businesses. Fresh milk is a perishable product; its easily despoiled and risky to supply chain. In order to ensure that when the milk arrives into markets, it is safe and in the top quality at the same time, the supply chain involved in moving milk from the farm to the market has to be managed carefully. This report aimed to review particular risk issues associated with the optimisation of the supply of fresh milk. The concept of supply chain risk management including supply chain risk sources, risk consequences, risk drives and risk mitigating strategies. In this report, there were also analyses the above information and produce an outline and strategies which suitable mitigation processes to alleviate the risk within the global network. Supply Chain Risk Sources The type of supply chain risk can divide by internal and external risk. The internal risks have including supply risks/ commercial risks, operational risks, strategic risks and security risks/ technical risks. According to the Hiles and Barnes (2001, p. 31), he divided that the internal supply chain risks of an organisation can be covered into five core risks. Internal risks (Hiles and Barnes, 2001): Supply risks or Commercial risks- the risk of relationships failing or succeeding, including business interruption due to loss of key supervisory. Operational Risks- the risk of human mistake or careless, which obstruction supply chain run smoothly including design mistakes, employee practices risk and interrupt. Strategic Risks- the risk of plans failing or succeeding, for example the marketing strategy or business strategy of the company itself are imperfect. Technical risks- the risk of physical assets failing/ being damaged or enhanced, for example equipment breakdown and infrastructure failure Financial risks- lack of financial control such as over budgets External risks: The external supply chain risk sources can divide by supplier / logistics failures and environmental risks. Suppliers and Logistics failures- risks between the stream of product or information which within the network, upstream supply chain of the company. Environmental issues: the environmental risks can be divided by 5 types, for example: Natural disasters, the geological events such as earthquakes; space weather such as sunspots, and extreme weather events such as hurricanes, typhoons and floods and health pandemics such as SARS or AIDS. Natural disasters may cause infrastructure damage, telecommunication downtime, and damage to a firms assets and danger to its employees. Political risk such as international relations, unstable political and governmental policies, will become the barriers of supply chain. Infrastructure risks, including IT failures, power blackouts and transport blocking or deterioration, may delays the transportation time. Legal Liabilities, the regulations may arise from fulfilment with product liability standards. The particular risk issues in the fresh milk supply chain Environmental issues: Natural disaster The natural disaster is the significant importance risks of fresh milk supply chain. Seasons always are the problems in foods supply chain. In this case, the seasons always affect the production of milk. According to the research reported the milk production is high in spring season when the fields are at their most lush, and reduces in the late autumn and winter. In order to overcome the problem, farmers have to manage calving and feed supplement to make sure milk can produce evenly throughout the year ( At the same time, milk quality also has been affected by seasons; the milk quality will be low during the dry season. According to the research, in spring, the cow can provide high quality milk with high production. But in winter, the production and quality of milk will become low (Alan Spedding, 2009). In addition, another natural disaster for example bad weather, Tsunami and volcanic, it will delay the transportation times, and it could add significantly increase cost including transportation costs, labour costs and the opportunity cost and costs of damage. Due to the fresh milk is a perishable product, deliver on time is very importance to meet the consumer needs, but serious delays cause by natural disaster may lead to spoilage and rejection. ( Technical risks logistics risks Poor infrastructure for milk collection, distribution and storage will affects the supply chain efficiency and effectiveness. The lack of technical will increase the food safety and spoilage risks. According to the David Harris (2008, p3) claims that Fresh milk sales were handicapped by the lack of an effective refrigerated supply chain from on-farm cold storage through to home storage. Long distances of transportation and insufficient chilling facilities will increase procurement cost and harmfully affect milk quality, the cold storage facilities is significant important to the long distances milk transportation (Arshad H. Hashmi, 2004). Milk suppliers need to have enough capacity and safety in technical support and milk collection centre because the lack of chilling and cooling centre at potential milk producing and supply area are not allow in the milk supply chain ( Another increase the logistics risk is high cost of collecting raw milk from the manufacturer. According to the Milk Market (2010), it found that the high transport costs through political intervention such as environmental taxation, and fuel prices has increased in milk supply chain logistics costs. The motorway charges for heavy goods vehicles have increases about 15 % and the new EU-Regulations (April 2007) reduced lead- and calmtimes of the drivers become the logistics risk of milk supply chain ( Process risks Cows are milked twice times a day and it can be store in the refrigerated vats for no longer than 48 hours. To avoid spoilage, the milk should be collected from the vats every 24 or 48 hours by refrigerated tankers. So the process of milk stored, and transport to processing centre, retailer and supermarket should be as soon as possible ( Especially in hot climate countries, the milk will spoilage easily, the process of milk store and transport should be fast. The production of milk process is complicated, from farms to collect centres until to supermarkets, the process is long, people cannot makes any mistakes in this whole process. The process such as milking practices, milk handling, sanitation or the process of delivering milk should be clean, safe and fast. Milks supply chain Source by: Financial risks Global supply chains risks including supply disruption, supply delays, demand fluctuations, price fluctuations and exchange- rate fluctuations (Chopra. S Meindl. P.,2010). In milk supply chains the large fluctuation in milk prices and foreign exchange risks have result significant hurt milk supply chain performance. For example, in the 2008 the supply of milk on the global market increased and the demand reduced following rising prices for dairy products and the recession. The foreign exchange risks also have a major impact on the income statement and balance sheet in Arla company ( Arla Annual report, 2008) The risk consequences of supply chain 3.1 Risk consequences in natural disaster The seasons affect the milk production and milk supply chain and it makes the financial loss, performance loss and psychological loss to the organisation. According to the Blackburn. N and Kite. E. L (2008) defines that weather has played a part in milk production with the UK predicted to produce 13.19 billion litres in the 2007-08 quota year, some 300 million litres less than 2006-07. The decrease of milk production and increases the financial loss to the company. For another example, the milk shortages case in Pakistans urban place during the summer periods. The shortage increase the adulteration processes in Pakistan. In the fresh milk process, the unscrupulous traders added the water and other substances and harmful chemicals to fresh milk (Arshad H. Hashmi , 2004). This risk consequences including in this case are financial loss, performance loss and psychological loss because the health dangers basis by these practices are huge and the costs of ignoring the current levels of adulteration in fresh milk supplies will be far costly than rectifying the system (Arshad H. Hashmi , 2004). And the milk supply chain also gain the financial loss and performance loss after the Iceland Volcanic eruption. 3.2 Risk consequences in milk process The risk consequences in milk process have including financial loss, performance loss, psychological loss time loss and social loss. The process such as milking practices, milk handling, sanitation or the process of delivering milk should be clean, safe and fast, because milk easy spoilage after 48 without cool stored and using unclean containers, drunks. The processes to refining milk also have to ensure all materials and milk products are safe for human use by destroying all bacteria that may be harmful to health. Unsafely materials will harmful to people healthy, it will increase the psychological loss, performance loss, financial loss, time loss and social loss. For example: China sick milk cases had poisoned many children, although that is human fault but this also shown that the serious risk consequences of milk process which did not process safety (BBC news, 2008). In this case, Arla facing the financial loss, psychological loss and time loss worked together with its China partner to re-establish trust in the companys products again. They also take time and money to procedure for multiple testing of the milk used in production which have been recreated and implemented (Arla annual report, 2008). 3.3 Risk consequences in technical risk and logistic risk Technology also plays an important role in the supply chain management. Morden technical can improve the milk supply chain efficiency and milk quality. The refrigerated collects milk can helps to reduce the time barriers of the milk supplier deliver milk from farms to collect centres or processing factory. The new technology also helps to produce high quality milk and milk quality control. Cooling system is too expensive to a small farm to cool a small amount of milk. So for the small farm which lack of technical, this become the risk in the milk supply chain, because milk easy spoilage in high temperature, the process to deliver the fresh milk to the milk collect centres should be fast. Delays deliver will increase the physical loss and financial loss. The risk consequences in logistics risk have including performance loss, time loss and financial loss. The long distances transportation milk will gain the time loss and reduces the quality of milk, affect the milk performance increase the milk supply chain performance risk. The high cost of logistics will cause to financial loss because it will increase the cost of milk production. 3.4 The risk consequences in financial risks When the large fluctuation in milk prices in the year 2008, the milk supply chains difficult to look forward to development in the rapidly changing global market, many milk members have chop down about 15 % of the milk, in order to survival Arla goings-on to pay its members the highest possible price for their milk, this is the difficult periods to Arla to continue their milk supply chain business, but this has significantly hurt supply chain performance. Besides that, the foreign exchange matters also are a significant factor for Arla Foods, its have a major impact on the Arlas income statement and balance sheet (Arla Annual Report, 2008). Risk drivers According to the Jutner,U., Peck,H and Christopher, M. (2003) states that the risk drivers is the issues that turn risks into consequences. The risk drivers increased the level of risk, there are including internal and external issues, for example a focus on efficiency rather than effectiveness, globalisation, the rend to outsourcing, reduction of the supplier base, political or regulation etc (Tang. C.S., Teo. C.P, Wei. K. K, 2007). The supply chain risk drivers can define by either internal or external of the companies. The external drivers have included demand, supply risk and environmental, however the internal drivers are including process risk and control risk ( Table 4.1 Risks drivers in milk supply chain Risk category Risks driver Risk impact Plan control risk EU health and safety regulations Increase cost of capital Supply risk Globalisation of supply chains Reduction of the supplier base Motorway charges Production stop Replacement purchase costs Logistics costs Process risk Lead time Quality Human error Repair costs Reputation loss Demand risk Demand fluctuations Changes in preferences Bullwhip effect Environmental risk Weather seasonal Opportunity costs Replacement costs Internal drivers 4.1.1 The complexity of the Legal liabilities EU health and safety regulations are once of the policies that affects to the milk supply chains. The regulation is used to identify the milk quality assurance. All of the milk supply chains especially the distribution which has participate in internationally competitive supply chain, they should fulfil with EU health and safety regulations ( In order to fulfil the EU health and safety regulations, milk supply chain improve their safety process to produce milk from farms to supermarkets. The high cost of the safety process will increase the burden of milk supply Chain Company, increase pressure on margins, cost and efficiency. The regulatory also increase the complexity of the supply chain such as assembly line, outsourcing, off-shoring, and this makes the milk supply chain outsourcing more import from outside EU ( 4.1.2 Transportation costs- Motorway charges The high transportation costs become the risk driver in milk supply chain. According to the Milk Market (2010), it found that the high transport costs through political intervention such as environmental taxation, and fuel prices has increased in milk supply chain logistics costs at the same time increase the capital costs in companies, it may become a financial burden in the company especially for the global companies. ( External drivers The reduction of the supplier base The raw material risks drivers turn a significant risk into consequences of supply chain. A great example of Arlas group, its always have shortage problems in milks and other raw material risks. The material prices will increase when in the shortage periods, in order to reduce the risk; Arla will make a fixed agreement with its suppliers to ensure price predictability (Arla Annual report, 2008). The reduction of the supplier base cannot meet the customers needs; this will cause the supply chain failure. The globalisation of supply chains The globalisation of supply chain is risking to domestic supply chains, in order to gain the competitive advantages, the domestic supply chain have to expand their business to the global supply chain. However, the global supply chain will face many barriers, such as transportation costs, language problems, different business strategy, regulation and culture. This all uncertainty management is the risk drivers in overseas supply chains. Risk mitigating strategies According to the Wu. T and Blackhurst. J (2009, p.16) states that the risk mitigation plans in the Supply Chain Risk Management should include: Risk identification and modelling- identify the root causes of risks Risk analysis- analysis the potential consequences in the supply chain risk Risk management- selecting solutions and undertaking the implementation Risk monitoring and evaluation- monitoring, controlling and managing solutions Organisational and personal learning- such as knowledge transfer to others within the organisation and its supply chain members. Tang, C, (2006) has provide a robust nine strategies for mitigating supply chain disruptions. The strategies including postponement , strategic stock, flexible supply base, make and buy, economic supply incentives, flexible transportation, dynamic pricing and promotion, assortment planning and silent product rollover (see Appendix A) 5.1 The mitigation of milk supply chain risk There have found that the main risks in the milk supply chain are natural disaster, Technical risks logistics risks and process risks. There have several strategies below that can mitigation of milk supply chain risk: Postponement: delays deliver because of the natural disaster in the milk supply chain always affects the milk quality, in order to maintaining the transportation costs and maintaining the quality of milk. Milk supply chain companies can using the postponement strategy aims at delaying some supply chain activities until customer demand, this designed to increase flexibility and responsiveness and also maintaining unit cost and quality (Bowersox.D.J, Closs. D.J, Cooper.M.B, 2010). This will mitigate the time loss and financial loss in milk supply chain risk. Flexible transportation 3PL: for the logistics risk in milk supply chain, the milk supply chain can use the 3rd party logistics method not only can share the logistics risk with them. 3PL offers many types of transportation services, after milk supply chain using a 3PL provider, the milk supply chain companies can focus on the milk production. This will improve the milk quality and also increase the efficiency and effectiveness in supply chain. Today, many food companies are outsourcing various supply chain activities- 3PL to gain a competitive advantage, for example Cadbury Adams, Hershey, Nestle they all have works together with 3PL logistics. Flexible supply base Joint venture: Lack of the supplier always is the risk in the milk supply chain, outsourcing and joint venture with others farmers is the another method to increase more suppliers. For example, Arla occasionally buy milk from others suppliers provided them technical to meet the quality standards. The joint venture method has brought UK farmers closer to Arla and to develop the cooperation with their Finnish milk suppliers and collaborators (Arla Annual Report, 2008). For the milk supply chain companies who lack of supplier, the joint venture is the goods method to remove this risk. Adoption of new technology: Processing risk is the serious risk in milk supply chain; the failure process in milk production will come out significant consequences. In order to remove the risk, the training on milk handling practises, farm processing are needs. For the complexity of the food safety regulation, milk supply chain should encourage adoption of new technology complimented farm production extension resources to enforce food safety regulations. Arla Foods after using wastewater treatment technologies the problem of milk spillages have been reduced by around 400-1000 litres per day and also reduce discharge costs at its milk processing plant in Hobro Mejer (Shaun Weston, 2009). Conclusion There have many internal and external supply chain risks in the milk products. The risks issues have included environmental issues, process risks Technical risks logistics risks. The risk consequences in milk supply chain industries are very wide, it have include financial loss, performance loss, psychological loss, time loss and social loss. The supply chain risks always occurs, there are no such a ways to remove all the risks. The suitable mitigation processes to alleviate the risk with the global network there have: Postponement strategy: to delaying some supply chain activities until customer demand, increase flexibility and responsiveness and also maintaining unit cost and quality. Flexible transportation: working with 3PL logistics provider helps to increase the integrated operation, warehousing and transportation services in milk supply chain and also can share the risk with others. Flexible supply base: Joint venture with others to increase the supply flexibility, firm can to shift production among suppliers promptly. Innovation of technology: to maintain and increase the quality of products. Appendix A: Supply chain risk mitigation strategies

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Qualities of a Good Humanitarian

Qualities of a Good Humanitarian This autobiography Three Cups Of Tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin goes through the life experiences of Greg Mortenson in his quest to build schools for disadvantaged children in the desolate parts of Pakistan and Afghanistan. This essay investigates the qualities that Mortenson possesses that have helped make him a contemporary symbol of humanitarianism. How does Mortensons story show the qualities necessary for a good Humanitarian? To answer this question, this essay makes a thorough analysis of this autobiography by analyzing the things that Mortenson has done and what persuaded him to do them. With that in mind this essay is intended to try and decipher which qualities or traits have guided him thus far, qualities which seem extremely beneficial to his quest. In the essay, each trait has been explored in depth, looking at the ways Mortenson has demonstrated that particular trait and how it helped in the end. This autobiography has been supported by some secondary sources from the internet that include book reviews that have been posted along with interviews that have been conducted with him. Therefore with these sources, I have made generalizations as to what qualities make a good humanitarian. Upon conclusion, I discovered that with the right amount of compassion, desire to succeed and being able to blend into different cultures then one can be a good humanitarian. INTRODUCTION Power is the ability to achieve purpose. Power is the ability to effect change; these were words spoken by the legendary Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King and from these words, one can gather that there is some extraordinary power that any individual can possess, as long as they have the ability to make a difference in the lives of others, it does not matter whether on a large scale or not. Throughout history there have been great men and women who have been known to possess this extraordinary power, such as mother Teresa who dedicated her life to helping the poor but amongst these people is Greg Mortenson, a man who from being a mere nurse has risen above all odds and has become a world renowned humanitarian who has done development work in Central Asia (Pakistan and Afghanistan). Most of his work has been the construction of schools for both the Pakistani and Afghani children but it also extends to giving a helping hand at refugee camps in these areas. To date, Mortenson has built over one hundred and thirty schools and some of them catering to just girls. Greg Mortenson, along with the award winning journalist David Oliver Relin have written an autobiography of Mortensons life Three Cups Of Tea one mans mission to promote peaceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦one school at a time from the time he discovered his true calling through all the ensuing events, sharing in detail how he tackles every obstacle that comes his way. How does Mortensons story show the qualities necessary for a good humanitarian? For most people it has been a mystery as to what qualities must be possessed for an individual to become a humanitarian and exercise charity. I think Mortenson is one of the best people to help illustrate these qualities because he started from nothing but has now become a man to whom even the US Military looks to for advice. How is it that this ordinary man who failed to climb K-2 has achieved so much in life? This topic is significant in that as much as most people might want to help the needy, they may not know where and how to start and the qualities that may help them in their quest. Even universities have started offering courses that help create great humanitarians and aid projects, courses like development work and development theory finance. Just the mere prospect of having these courses offered at universities shows that this is a booming industry and observing people like Greg Mortenson can help a lot of people who are interested in helping others. Other humanitarians like Sir Edmund Hilary have seen this advancement in humanitarian efforts coming, and in his book School House In The Clouds, Hilary spoke of the need for aid projects in the worlds poorest places he says, Slowly and painfully we are seeing worldwide acceptance of the fact that the wealthier and more technologically advanced countries have a responsibility to help undeveloped ones (pg 53). Mortensons philosophy is also that of Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen whose idea is that, You can change a culture by giving its girls the tools to grow up educated so they can help themselves (pg 234). In Mortensons case, these schools were not built overnight; Mortenson encountered problems but he persisted and in the end the results were very rewarding. Mortenson has shown that an ordinary person like himself can make a difference in the world by having the right amount of compassion, determination and the ability to rise above prejudices and work within another culture. COMPASSION The poor do not need our sympathy and pity: the poor need our love and compassion. These were words spoken by the Nobel Peace prize winner, Mother Teresa, one of Mortensons idols. From the beginning, our introduction to Mortenson is of a man who doesnt pity the needy but tries to help them as much as possible. The source of this good-heartedness can be traced back to his parents who were also generous people. Irvin Mortenson (Gregs father) was an army veteran-turned schoolteacher in Tanzania who while there threw every molecule of himself into the great achievement of his life-raising money for and founding Tanzanias first teaching hospital, the Kilimanjaro Christian medical center (36). Also, his mother, Jerene Mortenson, laboured with the same single-mindedness to establish the Moshi International School (36). With such parents, it is no wonder Greg Mortenson turned out the way he did. Mortensons compassion is easily noticeable in the sacrifices he has undertaken for the sake of his family. The Mortensons lived in Africa for most of Gregs childhood and although they had done so much for the Tazanians, when they went back to America they were struggling financially and Greg Mortensons compassion is well illustrated when after graduating from high school, he enrolled himself in the army just so he could bring in some money. To show how rare this trait is Mortenson says: The kids at my school were amazed Id even consider the military. But we were broke (40). Christa, Mortensons sister, was epileptic and for the sole purpose of finding a way to help her, Greg studied neurology (42). Not only that but when they were growing up, Mortenson made sure that no one made fun of Christa. After college, Mortenson wanted to start working as soon as possible but because he wanted to spend time with his sister, he took a year off-not many people could do that which is why when Christa died, Mortenson took it really hard but wanted to honour her memory by climbing K-2, a mountain in central Asia infamous for being one of the toughest to climb in the world (42-43). Another clear depiction of Mortensons compassion is when he offered to quit school when his father was dying of cancer so that he could take care of him in his last days (42). Mortensons compassion can also be seen in the sacrifices he makes for others and his desire to satisfy everyone. This whole idea of building schools started in a village called Korphe where Mortenson was taken after he had been lost on K-2 Mountain and had seen about eighty children trying to teach themselves on the ground without a teacher and had made the promise to build them the school (33). While there, Mortenson distributed all he had to the people of that village and had gone out of his way to help their sick, hence earning his name Dr. Greg (30). On his way to fulfill his promise, the people of other villages were trying to bribe him into opting for their village and not Korphe and the guilt that Mortenson felt knowing that he could not help them frustrated him which is why he ended up promising to one day build the school for them, no matter what it took and this signifies his compassion to the extreme (91). Also, going out of his way to organise teachers and paying salaries along with calling in an eye specialist for the children and elderly of refugee camps that strained to feed, shelter and educate hundreds of thousands of people is an extreme act of compassion that clearly shows his big heart (208). Further, whenever there was a war happening, Mortenson was usually robbed of sleep worrying about those poor people (214). He used to spend nights reading about Pakistani history and trying to learn more and this shows a man whose good-heartedness made him even forget the necessities of life like sleeping. Perhaps the best way he has demonstrated his compassion is by fulfilling most of his promises; he promised to build a school for the Korphe people and he did that and even more, he also built them a womens vocational center fully equipped with sewing machines (193). He also promised to build a school for the people of the villages who were trying to bribe him and he did; not only for them but for many other villages. DETERMINATION It is usually said that a leader has a clear idea of what she or he wants and he would do anything to get it regardless of any obstacles that he may face and likewise, Mortenson was a leader who, in his cause to build schools in Pakistan and Afghanistan, has come across a lot of setbacks that would make most people give up but because he had a lot of determination Mortenson just pushed on and can now be identified as a well respected humanitarian. His determination is easily portrayed in the sacrifices he makes in order to raise the necessary funds for the construction of the schools. These acts include struggling to write many requests to as many potential sponsors as possible so that he could build the first school (47). We learn that, he wrote to every U.S. senator. He haunted the public library, scanning the kind of pop culture magazines he would never otherwise read, in search of sponsors and this just shows his eagerness to succeed ( 49). To save money while he was trying to raise funds for the school, Mortenson decided not to rent an apartment and chose to live in his car and to take showers in the bathrooms of a climbing club that he was a member of ( 49). At night he would be bothered by the police so he had to hunt for parking places where the police would not find him (49). What person in their right mind would do something like that, especially for people he did not have exceptionally strong ties with, unless they were really determined to succeed and even going to the extremes of starving himself (51)? In like manner, while he was in Pakistan with the necessary funds for the school, he lived in an eight-by-eight-foot glassed in cubicle on the hotels roof that seemed more like a garden shed than a guest room (57). Here again the image is of a man who is prepared to endure all the hardships that come his way (57). He could have just used the money he had on him and checked into a proper hotel but no, he had to try and save as much as possible. Before he had left America, Mortenson converted everything else he owned into enough cash to buy his plane ticket(56). What if everything in Pakistan did not work out and when he got back, what would he have? Nothing, but because he knew what he wanted he did it anyway. Mother Teresa once said: We ourselves feel like what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean but the ocean would be less without that drop. Mortenson believed in this saying and strived in every way to make sure that the drop he was adding was at its best hence why he even started reading books on development theory finance so that he could be a better manager and along with this he even flew to Southeast Asia so that he could learn more from other programs that did the same job that he did (234). Only a man who really wanted to make things work would go this far. In the time that Mortenson has been in Central Asia, he has taken great risks, risks that had he been somebody else, he would have left without any delays and these risks include exposing himself to the conflicts that are taking place there. In 1996, Bin Laden (a leader of the Talibans Islam extremist) called for an armed struggle against any Americans, and when this happened Mortenson was still there and ended up being held hostage for some time before he was released; but the terrifying prospect that he kept delaying leaving Asia although he knew how dangerous it was, shows his pure determination along with his love for these people (156). Patience is a prevailing attribute that Mortenson seems to possess and in physics; a spring can be stretched and return to its original place, but there is a limit to that stretching (elasticity limit), and when this point is reached then the spring will never go back to its original position. Greg Mortensons patience is synonymous to this spring and the similarities are easily noticeable because throughout, his patience has been tried at different turns and this patience helps to eloquently demonstrate his determination. The fact that Mortenson only received a single reply from the letters he wrote and all his grant applications had been turned down after waiting over six months; the fact that Mortenson still continued even after this major setback is a clear indication of his determination (52) As with the physics analysis, however, at some point Mortenson almost had a mental breakdown because after struggling for over two years to get a hold of the funds required to build the first school, when he arrives at Korphe to begin the building project, he discovers that before they can begin they have to build a bridge to carry across the necessary building materials. This required him to go back to America to get more money for the construction of the bridge. Looking back at the way he had struggled to get the first twelve thousand dollars, obviously it wasnt going to be easy to get the extra funds. Predictably, he did struggle and this failure led to him almost giving up hope. He was just on the brink of giving up but the words of a fellow mountaineer, Dr. Louis Richardt brought him back: Pull yourself together, Greg. Of course youve hit a few speed bumps but what youre trying to do is much more difficult than climbing K2(106). These words gave him the strength to continue. Thi s pure act showed a lot of determination on his part. Again, Mortensons determination can be seen in the problems he faces and the way he overcomes them. After the formation of the Central Asia Institute (CAI) which was founded by a single sponsor Jean Hoerni who covered all the expenses, Mortensons work in Pakistan advanced extremely, but following the death of the sponsor, the company started having monetary problems. Mortenson refused to hire an assistant because of fear of dipping into CAIs funds (228); he also refused an offer of a salary increase along with refusing to hire office space. All these things show a man who is determined to continue in his cause and was desperate to save as much as possible so that his work can continue. During this time of hardships in the company, Mortenson started to hold seminars where he tried to raise awareness for his work and get funding, but sometimes he faced a sea of empty seats (228) but the fact that he still continued to go to every state in America as planned shows that he had hope that at some point he would get lucky and the message would be out and his determination is enormously conveyed in this way. Now, some rich people wanted to flaunt Mortenson to their peers and look good with the promise that they would fund his company and because Mortenson was desperate, he had no choice but to play along. At some point he even went to Canada with one of them but in the end he got nothing in the form of funds from him. He tried everybody, even the people whose legitimacy he doubted. An old lady who said she had money to give called Mortenson over and he obliged because of his desperation but this woman turned out to be just a lonely old lady who just yearned for company (231). A person who would do all this is indeed determined to get to his destination. ABILITY TO RISE OVER PREJUDICES AND WORK WITHIN ANOTHER CULTURE It has been said that Good intentions and money are great, but it is partnerships and great personal relationships at the grass roots level that gets things done in a third world country and from the onset Mortenson has proved himself to be one of those people who are extremely sociable and form partnerships quickly. Throughout his quest, what Mortenson has been doing the entire time is building his rapport and trying to gain the trust of the natives of the countries he was trying to aid. His individualism and non-affiliation with both big NGOs and the political systems in any country are the factors that may have helped him reach so far as compared to all other development charities that have tried to help these people. Of course there were a number of barriers that hindered his progress and these include the language barriers because at first he had not learned their language; the custom barriers that also hindered his progress because if he went against custom, his work may be cut-off; and lastly the religious beliefs. The education of girls in that part of the world is taboo and people in Pakistan and Afghanistan believe it goes against their religion. According to BBC News, when parents were asked why they didnt pay for their female children to go to school, the parents would say Because its wrong, its irreligious, its improper they should stay at home and prepare for their real lives, their married lives. Mortenson was going against this taboo in every way and this caused a lot of problems for him. I have heard that an infidel has come to poison our Muslim children, boys as well as girls; with his teachings. Allah forbids the education of girls. And I forbid the construction of this school. (152) These were words spoken by one Haji Medhi who, along with his men went to Korphe and were trying to stop Mortensons work. Also, Greg learned that the Sher of Chakpo had declared a fatwa against himà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Pakistan is ruled by civil law, but also by Shariat, which is a system of Islamic law (184) . It wasnt only this once that a fatwa was issued against him but twice. After an issue of a fatwa has been made, the courts have to decide what to do, but luckily on both counts he was not implicated but rather the courts saw his work as a gift to their children. From the onset, we see Mortenson as a man who is able to quickly gain the trust of the people around him. George McCown, a board member of the American Himalayan Foundations once said: Greg is a guy you immediately like and trustà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦watching all those people work with himà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦It was obvious they loved him. He operated as one of them and I wondered how in the hell an American had managed that (122-123). How indeed has he managed that? The answer to that mystery might be that Greg has an eagerness to learn peoples ways, he tries in every way not to offend them and he does not distinguish himself from them but sees them as his equals, he sees everybody as his equal. His eagerness to learn their ways is easily noticeable when during his second visit to Pakistan, he asks the tailor who was putting together his outfit to teach him how to pray (62). What business of his was it how these people prayed? This eagerness to pray is also accentuated when he tries to pray with the religious leader of Korphe (67). For him to even enter the compound where the Korphe religious leader lived was a problem because he did not want to offend him; he understood that he was a non-Muslim (infidel) trying to educate the children of Korphe and he didnt know how the religious leader would take it (67). This trait of not wanting to offend is also signified with the guilt he felt when he had worn their traditional dress inappropriately and was therefore scolded for it (62). Again, unlike big organizations that just throw in millions without requesting anything from the locals, Mortenson required that each village donate land and labour and this is one of the things that might have helped him gain the trust of these people involving them. Mortenson says: Ive driven past dozens of schools in Northern Afghanistan that have been set up by conservation Corps or USAID(United States Agency For International Development), and you see a beautiful school building but no one in it Also, although Mortenson was offered large sums of money by the US Military, he had to refuse because he understood that his credibility in that part of the world depended on not being associated with the American government, especially the military (295). Had the people thought he was associated with them, they would shut him out. The American military never really stopped to ask what the people of Pakistan or Afghanistan wanted but just did what they wanted without consulting with their elders. In an interview for MSNBC(a television network), Mortenson says that following an earthquake in Pakistan in 2005, tens of thousands of tents were sent over and most of them implosive and the people would huddle in them with kerosene lanterns for light and hundreds of tents imploded and hundreds of people died and some were burned. But had anybody asked what they wanted they could have said they could make their own canvas tents if they send over canvas and sewing machines Mortenson on the ot her hand asks what they need and he would rather supply them with that than anything they did not ask for. CONCLUSION When investigating this research question How does Mortensons story show the qualities of a good humanitarian? it is easily discernable that by showing the qualities that Mortenson possessed, this story Three cups of tea by Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin clearly shows that it all begins with the amount of compassion that one possesses. If one does not have a desire to help the needy then they would not succeed because how could one do something they do not really have the desire for? Then comes the degree to which they are willing to bend their will in order to help make that particular act a success. They need to be ready to make a lot of sacrifices along the way, sacrifices that could mean they have to live differently from the way they are used to. Mortensons experiences show that in most cases the journey will not be easy but with the correct amount of determination and eagerness to succeed, eventually you will get there. Usually the people who require most help are the people in remote parts of developing or undeveloped countries and most of the time these people have customs that most outsiders are not familiar with and may even be a whole different ethnic group all together and most of the time aid organizations or humanitarians are going to have to try and learn their ways. Finally, listening to them, incorporating them in the decision-making process is also a wise move because that way, their needs are catered for. There have been great humanitarians like Mortenson who have possessed these qualities: Mother Teresa, Fred Cunny, Per Anger, Dalai Lama many others. By reading autobiographies of such people, these artifacts of our culture can give aspiring humanitarians the necessary qualities for being great humanitarians.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The History of England’s Masquerade Essays -- European History

The History of England’s Masquerade The masquerade played a large part in the ideas and themes of England during the eighteenth century. Its popularity spanned most of the century, bringing together people of all classes, from the highest nobleman to the lowest commoner. Masquerades were a firmly established part of city life in England by the 1720's. Most masquerades were held in buildings especially designed for them, such as the Haymarket, the Soho, or the Pantheon. During the early part of the century, masquerades held at the Haymarket, the most popular location for these events, drew in up to a thousand masqueraders weekly. Later in the century, public masquerades in celebration of special events drew in thousands of people. The popularity of the masquerade is clearly apparent from the appearance of newspaper columns devoted to describing particularly elegant masquerades. Other masquerade literature that circulated through the cities included pamphlets denouncing the masquerade as scenes of promiscuity and impropriety" (3). Such civil and religious censure caused the popularity of the masquerade to fluctuate during the century, but the phenomenon did not wane until the l 780's. The origin of the masquerade in England is a subject that many scholars have speculated on. When masquerades first appeared, they were called signs of"diabolical foreign influence, imported corruption" (5) The idea for the masquerade may indeed have come from foreign parts. The eighteenth century was a time when many young people traveled abroad as part of their education. Undoubtedly, the excitement of masquerades held in Italy, Spain and France were something these traveling youths wanted to recreate once they came home. Foreign ambassado... ...iction writers exploited the masquerade's association with sexual license. Examples of this can be found in Defoe's Roxana and Fielding's Tom Jones. The masquerade became a setting in literature where the most outrageous things could happen, as often was the case in real life. Regardless of the origins, regardless of the propriety? the existence of the masquerade as a part of popular urban culture in the eighteenth century cannot be denied. The masquerade was a much needed outlet for the people of this time who constantly had to keep their behavior within the strict confines of what was socially acceptable. By putting one mask on, the masqueraders were able to take a more fundamental mask off. Work Cited Castle, Terry. Masquerade and Civilization:.The Carnivalesque in Eighteenth-Century English Culture and Fiction. Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1996.

An Inspector Calls as a Tool for the Political and Social Criticism Ess

An Inspector Calls as a Tool for the Political and Social Criticism of the Elite "An Inspector Calls", by J.B. Priestly, is in effect a method the playwright uses to convey an imperative political and social message to his readers. John Boynton Priestley was born in Bradford, West Yorkshire, in the north of England. After finishing school, he decided to abandon education to pursue his passion for writing and literature. In 1914 at the age of twenty Priestley was called to fight in the First World War. As one may expect, the years Priestly spent on the frontline, had an immense impact on his ideas towards the social and political system in Britain, and are what fuelled his great politically charged writings. Priestly began to ponder the state of society and the way the social system worked. Perhaps most importantly, he realised that while large numbers of people were suffering, there were many egocentric individuals who were enjoying grand luxuries. "An Inspector Calls" was written in the very week that the Second World War culminated. This shows the urgency with which Priestly wanted to communicate his message. This play, like some of Priestley's earlier work, explores the concept of time, and the phenomenon of how someone's actions can affect someone else's life in the long run. The play is set in an industrial Midlands town in 1912, just before the First World War started. There are 5 main characters, other than the inspector who appears at the very end of Act 1. These are Mr. and Mrs. Birling, their children Sheila and Eric Birling and Sheila's fiancà © Gerald Croft. All of them are upper class citizens and are shown to consider themselves to be part of the social elite. Priestley uses this soci... ...of pay. In his defence, Mr. Birling says: "Well, it's my duty to keep labour costs down, and if I'd agreed to this demand for a new rate we'd have added about twelve per cent to our labour costs." (Act 1, pg 14) Again greed and egocentricity is shown among the higher class. Birling says he had to come down sharp or else they would have been asking the Earth. To this the inspector replies: "They might. But after all it's better to ask for the Earth than to take it." (Act 1, pg 15) Here Priestley is bluntly expressing his anger at the exploitation of the poor by the rich. At its simplest, "An Inspector Calls" is just another moral story, no different from Aesop's Fables. Priestley is trying to teach his audience that individualism and narcissism are one of the greatest evils. He wants us to be aware that our actions today immensely affect events tomorrow.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Mythology in the World :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  How did the world begin? Have you ever wondered this most likely yes. Everyone has been asking this question for millions of years. The explanation of this is called Mythology. By looking at What Mythology is, the categories of Mythology, the regions of major myths, some of the key players of myths, and finally the similarities of the cultures. With that I will start my paper and by the end of it you will have a more in depth knowledge of Mythology.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Mythology meaning the study of Myths. Myth comes form the Greek word Mythos meaning speech or discourse later meaning fable. Myth is defined as a story of forgotten origin, it is religious or supernatural. It seeks to explain the creation of the universe, everyday phenomena and everything in it. The different regions of the world all have a different story and set of characters they use to explain this. Now that you know what exactly what mythology is we will look at the different categories of mythology.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The different categories of mythology are explanatory myths and adventure myths. Explanatory myth will break down into smaller sub divisions called Cosmogony, nature myths, and eschatological myths. Explanatory myths these are myths that nature or certain events and customs of different cultures. Cosmogony is a big word for creation myths. Creation myths explain the origin of the universe. They use primal gods and animals to tell the story. There are different types of creation myths as well. The first is the single stage creation where a god existed ex nihilo. Which means a god existed in a vast space and created the universe out of nothing. The other is multi stage creation. In this the universe is created by one god. His children then continue to create the rest of the world. Nature myths have to do with animals and everyday phenomena like the rising and setting of the sun. The last explanatory myth is eschatological. This tells how death and other bad things c ame into the world and how the world is going to end. The next category of mythology is adventure myths. These are myths that involve humans. These are stories of major events in history that parts have been embellished or forgotten and made up. Now that you know the different categories of mythology we will look at the different regions where the stories came from.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The different regions of mythology are Africa, the Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Horizontal Analyses Essay

Ratio, Vertical, and Horizontal Analyses Regina Stewart XACC/280 February 3, 2012 Jose Rodriguez Ratio, Vertical, and Horizontal Analyses A detailed examination of the tools used in financial analysis, in addition to their various functions, is provided within this paper. The current ratio and calculations on the questions are provided herein. A variety of tools are used to assess the importance of financial data. Frequently used tools of financial statement analysis consist of horizontal analysis, vertical analysis and ratio analysis. These techniques assist in the evaluation of financial statements providing information regarding the financial condition of a business. Evaluating the data of financial statements over a period of time, is considered horizontal analysis and is primarily used in intracompany comparisons with the purpose of determining an increase or decrease over a period of time. Vertical analysis expresses individual items in the financial statement in the percentage format of the base amount and is used in comparisons of both intracompany and intercompany. Vertical analysis reflects the comparative size of each category in the balance sheet along with the percentage change in the individual asset, liability, and stockholders’ equity items. Ratio analysis articulates the relationship between selected items of financial statement data and is used in all three comparison types. Ratios can be used to evaluate liquidity, profitability, and solvency in addition to providing evidences to underlying conditions that may not be obvious. Current ratio computation for Pepsico Current ratio evaluates a company’s liquidity and the ability to repay short-term debt and is calculated by dividing current assets by current liabilities. Pepsico current ratio for 2005 Current ratio=Current assetsCurrent liabilitiesCurrent ratio=104549406=1. 1 Pepsico current ratio for 2004 Current ratio=Current assetsCurrent liabilitiesCurrent ratio=86396752=1. 3 Analysis Depending on who is analyzing the Pepsico current ratio determines whether the analysis is favorable.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Succubus Blues CHAPTER 9

Returning to Queen Anne, I discovered I still had a lot of evening left. Unfortunately, I had nothing to do. A succubus without a social life. Very sad. It was made sadder still by the fact that I could have had any number of things to do but had dropped the ball on them. Certainly Doug had asked me out often enough; no doubt he was now enjoying his day off with a more appreciative woman. Roman I had also turned down, beautiful eyes and all. I smiled wistfully, remembering his easy banter and quick, bright charm. He could have been O'Neill, made flesh from Seth's novels. Thinking of Seth reminded me he still had my book and that I was going on Day 3 without it. I sighed, wanting to know what would happen next, to be lost in the pages of Cady and O'Neill. Now that would have been a way to spend the evening. The bastard. He'd never bring it back. I'd never find out what – With a groan, I suddenly wanted to smack my forehead for my own stupidity. Did I or did I not work for a large bookstore? After parking my car, I walked over to Emerald City and found the massive display of The Glasgow Pact that was still up from the signing. I grabbed a copy and carried it to the front counter. Beth, one of the cashiers, was momentarily free. â€Å"Will you demagnetize this for me?† I asked her, sliding the book over the counter. â€Å"Sure,† she said, running it across the pad. â€Å"Are you using your discount on it?† I shook my head. â€Å"I'm not buying it. I'm just borrowing it.† â€Å"Can you do that?† She passed the book back to me. â€Å"Sure,† I lied. â€Å"Managers can.† Minutes later, I showed my prize to an unimpressed Aubrey and turned on the water in my bathtub. While it filled, I checked my messages – none – and sorted through the mail I'd picked up on the way in. Nothing interesting there either. Satisfied nothing else required my attention, I stepped out of my clothes and sank into the watery depths of the tub, careful not to get the book wet. Aubrey, crouching on a nearby counter, watched me with squinty eyes, apparently pondering why anyone would willingly immerse themselves in water ever, let alone for extended periods of time. I figured I could read more than five pages tonight since I'd been deprived for the last couple of days. When I finished the fifteenth, I discovered I was three pages from the next chapter. Might as well end with a clean break. After I was done, I sighed and leaned back, feeling decadent and spent. Pure bliss. Books were a lot less messy than orgasms. The next morning, I went to work, happy and refreshed. Paige found me around lunchtime as I sat on the edge of my desk and watched Doug play Mine Sweeper. Seeing her, I leapt from my position while he hastily closed down the game. Paige ignored him, fixing her eyes on me. â€Å"I want you to do something with Seth Mortensen.† Uneasily, I remembered the love slave comment. â€Å"Like what?† â€Å"I don't know.† She gave a small, unconcerned shrug of the head. â€Å"Anything. He's new to town. He doesn't know anyone yet, so his social life is probably dismal.† Recalling his cold reception yesterday and conversational difficulties, I wasn't exactly surprised by this news. â€Å"I took him on a tour.† â€Å"It's not the same.† â€Å"What about his brother?† â€Å"What about him?† â€Å"I'm sure they're doing social things all the time.† â€Å"Why are you fighting this? I thought you were a fan.† I was a fan – a major one – but reading his work and interacting with him were proving to be two very different things. The Glasgow Pact was amazing, as was the e-mail he'd sent. Spoken conversation was a bit†¦ lacking. I couldn't tell Paige this, of course, so she and I went back and forth a bit on the issue while Doug looked on with interest. Finally, I agreed against my better judgment, dreading the prospect of even proposing the venture to Seth, let alone embarking upon it. When I finally made myself approach him later in the day, I was fully braced for another brush-off. Instead, he turned from his work and smiled at me. â€Å"Hey,† he said. His mood seemed so improved that I decided yesterday must have been a fluke. â€Å"Hey. How's it going?† â€Å"Not so well.† He tapped the laptop's screen lightly with his fingernail, eyes frowning as he focused on it. â€Å"They're being a bit difficult. I just can't quite get the grip I need on this one scene.† Interest swept me. Bad days with Cady and O'Neill. I had always imagined interacting with such characters must be a nonstop thrill. The ultimate job. â€Å"Sounds like you need a break then. Paige is worried about your social life.† His brown eyes glanced back to me. â€Å"Oh? How so?† â€Å"She thinks you aren't getting out enough. That you don't know anyone in town yet.† â€Å"I know my brother and his family. And Mistee.† He paused. â€Å"And I know you.† â€Å"Good thing, because I'm about to become your cruise director. â€Å" Seth's lips quirked slightly, then he shook his head and looked back at the screen. â€Å"That's really nice – of you and Paige both – but not necessary.† He wasn't dismissing me as he had yesterday, but I still felt miffed that my generous deal was not being embraced, especially since I was offering it under duress. â€Å"Come on,† I said. â€Å"What else are you going to do?† â€Å"Write.† I couldn't argue with that. Writing those novels was God's Own Work. Who was I to interfere with their creator? And yet†¦ Paige had given a directive. That was nearly a divine commandment in itself. A compromise popped into my head. â€Å"You could do something, I don't know, research-related. For the book. Two birds with one stone.† â€Å"I've already got all the research I need for this one.† â€Å"What about, uh, ongoing character development? Like†¦ going to the planetarium.† Cady had a fascination with astronomy. She would often point out constellations and link them to some symbolic story analogous to the novel's plot. â€Å"Or†¦ or†¦ a hockey game? You need fresh ideas for O'Neill's games. You'll run out.† He shook his head. â€Å"No I won't. I've never even been to a hockey game to begin with.† â€Å"I – what? That's†¦ no. Really?† He shrugged. â€Å"Where†¦ do you get the game info from then? The plays?† â€Å"I know the basic rules. I pick up pieces on the Internet, patch it together.† I stared, feeling betrayed. O'Neill was absolutely obsessed with the Detroit Red Wings. That passion shaped his personality and was reflected in his actions: fast, skilled, and at times brutal. Believing Seth to be meticulous about every detail, I had naturally assumed he must know everything about hockey to have written such a defining trait into his protagonist. Seth watched me, confused by whatever stunned look I wore. â€Å"We're going to a hockey game,† I stated. â€Å"No, we – â€Å" â€Å"We are going to a hockey game. Hang on a sec.† I ran back downstairs, kicked Doug off our computer, and got the information I needed. It was just as I'd suspected. The Thunderbirds' season had just started. â€Å"Six-thirty,† I told Seth, minutes later. â€Å"Meet me at Key Arena, at the main window. I'll buy the tickets.† He looked dubious. â€Å"Six-thirty,† I repeated. â€Å"This'll be great. It'll give you a break and let you actually see what the game's like. Besides, you said you were blocked today.† Not only that, it would fulfill my obligation to Paige in a way that didn't require much talking. The stadium would be too loud, and we'd be too busy watching to need conversation. â€Å"I don't know where Key Arena is.† â€Å"You can walk to it from here. Just keep heading for the Space Needle. They're both part of the Seattle Center.† â€Å"So when are you meeting me?† There was a warning note in my voice, daring him to cross me. He grimaced. â€Å"Six-thirty.† After work, I set off to run my own errands. I had nothing new to work on with the vampire hunter enigma until Erik got back to me. Unfortunately, the mundane world still had its own share of requirements, and I spent most of my evening taking care of miscellany. Like restocking my supply of cat food, coffee, and Grey Goose. And checking out the new line of lip glosses at the MAC counter. I even remembered to pick up a cheap, assemble-it-yourself bookshelf for the fire-hazard stacks of books in my living room. My productivity knew no bounds. For dinner, I grabbed Indian food and managed to land at Key Arena precisely at six-thirty. I didn't see Seth anywhere but didn't panic just yet. The Seattle Center was not easy to navigate; he was probably still wandering around the Needle, trying to make his way over here. I bought the tickets and sat down on one of the large cement steps. The air had turned chilly tonight, and I snuggled into my heavy fleece pullover, shape-shifting it a bit thicker. While waiting, I people-watched. Couples, groups of guys, and excited children were all turning out for Seattle's fierce little team. They made for interesting viewing. When six-fifty rolled around, I started getting nervous. We had ten more minutes, and I worried Seth might have gotten seriously lost. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed the store, wondering if he was there. Nope, they told me, but Paige did have his cell number. I tried it next, only to get voice mail. Annoyed, I snapped my phone shut and huddled farther into my own embrace to stay warm. We still had time. Besides, Seth not being at the store was a good thing. It meant he was on his way. Yet, when seven and the start of the game arrived, he still wasn't there. I tried his cell again, then looked longingly at the doors. I wanted to see the beginning of the game. Seth might never have watched hockey, but I had and liked it. The continual movement and energy held my attention more than any other sport, even if the fights sometimes made me squirm. I didn't want to miss this, but I'd also hate for Seth to walk up and not know what to do when I wasn't where I said I'd be. I waited fifteen more minutes, listening to the sounds of the game echoing toward me, before I finally faced the truth. I had been stood up. Such a thing was unheard of. It hadn't happened in†¦ over a century. I felt more stunned than embarrassed or angry by the revelation. The whole thing was just too weird to fathom. No, I decided a moment later, I was mistaken. Seth had been reluctant, yes, but he wouldn't just refuse to come, not without calling. And maybe†¦ maybe something bad had happened. He could have been hit by a car for all I knew. After Duane's death, one could never predict when tragedy might hit. Yet, until I had more information, the only tragedy I faced now was missing the game. I called his cell again, this time leaving him a message with my number and whereabouts. I would come outside and retrieve him if needed. I went into the game. Sitting alone made me feel conspicuous, driving home the sadness of my situation. Other couples sat nearby, and a group of guys kept eyeing me, occasionally nudging one of their number who wanted to come talk to me. Being hit on didn't faze me, but looking like I needed it did. I might choose not to date, but that didn't mean I couldn't do it when I wanted. I didn't like others perceiving me as desperate and alone. I felt that way enough sometimes without outside confirmation. At the first break, I bought a corndog to console myself. While sifting through my purse for cash, I found the slip of paper with Roman's phone number. I stared at it while I ate, remembering his persistence and how bad I'd felt refusing him. My sudden painful abandonment fired the need to hang out with someone, to remind myself I really could have social contact when I wanted. Common sense froze me briefly as I was about to dial, cautioning that I would be breaking my decades-long vow of not dating nice guys. There were more prudent ways to deal with an unused hockey ticket, that reasonable inner voice reminded me. Like Hugh or the vampires. Calling one of them would provide a safer interaction. But†¦ but they treated me like a sister, and while I loved them like family too, I didn't want to be a sister just now. And anyway, it wasn't like this was even a real date. This would be a simple matter of companionship. Plus, the same precautions it had provided for Seth – lack of interaction – applied for Roman too. It would be perfectly safe. I dialed the number. â€Å"Hello?† â€Å"I'm tired of holding on to your coat.† I could hear his smile on the other end. â€Å"I figured you'd thrown it away by now.† â€Å"Are you crazy? It's a Kenneth Cole. Anyway, that's not really why I called.† â€Å"Yeah, I figured.† â€Å"Do you want to come to a hockey game tonight?† â€Å"When does it start?† â€Å"Um, forty minutes ago.† A Seth-worthy pause. â€Å"So, you just now thought to invite me?† â€Å"Well†¦ the person I was going with didn't exactly show up.† â€Å"And now you call me?† â€Å"Well, you were so adamant about going out.† â€Å"Yes, but I'm†¦ wait a minute. I'm your second choice?† â€Å"Don't think of it like that. Think of it as more like, I don't know, you're stepping up to fulfill what someone else couldn't.† â€Å"Like the Miss America runner-up?† â€Å"Look, are you coming or not?† â€Å"Very tempting, but I'm busy right now. And I'm not just saying that either.† Another pause. â€Å"I'll stop by your place after the game, though.† No, that wasn't how this was supposed to play out. â€Å"I'm busy after the game.† â€Å"What, you and your no-show have other plans?† â€Å"I†¦ no. I have to†¦ put together a bookcase. It's going to take a while. Hard work, you know?† â€Å"I excel at that handy-type stuff. I'll see you in a couple hours.† â€Å"Wait, you can't – † The phone disconnected. I closed my eyes in a moment of exasperation, opened them, then returned to the action on the ice. What had I just done? After the game, I skulked back home. The elation of winning couldn't overpower the anxiety of having Roman in my apartment. â€Å"Aubrey,† I said upon entering, â€Å"what am I going to do?† She yawned, revealing her tiny, domestic-sized fangs. I shook my head at her. â€Å"I can't hide under the bed like you. He won't fall for it.† Both of us jumped at the sudden knock at the door. For half a second, I did consider the bed before deigning to let Roman in. Aubrey studied him a moment, then – apparently being too overwhelmed at the sight of a sex god in our midst – darted off for my bedroom. Roman, casually dressed, stood bearing a six-pack of Mountain Dew and two bags of Doritos. And a box of cereal. â€Å"Lucky Charms?† I asked. â€Å"Magically delicious,† he explained. â€Å"Requisite for any sort of building project.† I shook my head, still amazed at how he had managed to weasel his way over here. â€Å"This isn't a date.† He cut me a scandalized look. â€Å"Obviously. I'd bring Count Chocula for that.† â€Å"I'm serious. Not a date,† I maintained. â€Å"Yeah, yeah. I get it.† He set the stuff on the counter and turned to me. â€Å"So, where is it? Let's get this started.† I exhaled, uneasily relieved by his matter-of-fact manner. No flirtation, no overt come-ons. Just honest, friendly helpfulness. I'd get the shelf built, and then he'd be gone. We tore into the huge box, dumping out loose shelves and panels, as well as an assortment of bolts and screws. The directions were short on words, mostly containing some cryptic diagrams with arrows pointing to where certain parts went. After minutes of scrutiny, we finally decided the large backboard was the place to start, laying it flat on the floor with the shelves and walls placed on top. Once everything was properly aligned, Roman picked up the screws, studying where they joined the various parts together. He examined the screws, looked at the box, then turned back to the shelf. â€Å"That's weird.† â€Å"What is?† â€Å"I think†¦ most of these things usually have holes in the wood, then they include a little tool to put the screws in.† I leaned over the wood. No premade holes. No tools. â€Å"We've got to screw these in ourselves.† He nodded. â€Å"I've got a screwdriver†¦ somewhere.† He eyed the wood. â€Å"I don't think that'll work. I think we need a drill.† I felt awed at his hardware prowess. â€Å"I know I don't have that.† We hightailed it over to a big chain home store, walking in ten minutes before they closed. A harried salesclerk showed us to the drill section, then sprinted off, calling back a warning that we didn't have much time. The power tools stared back at us, and I looked to Roman for guidance. â€Å"Not a clue,† he finally admitted after a span of silence. â€Å"I thought you excelled at this ‘handy-type stuff.' â€Å" â€Å"Yeah†¦ well†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He turned sheepish, a new look for him. â€Å"That was kind of an exaggeration.† â€Å"Like a lie?† â€Å"No. Like an exaggeration.† â€Å"They're the same.† â€Å"No they aren't.† I let the semantics go. â€Å"Why'd you say it then?† He gave a rueful headshake. â€Å"Partially because I just wanted to see you again. And the rest†¦ I don't know. I guess the short answer is you said you had something hard to do. So I wanted to help.† â€Å"I'm a damsel in distress?† I teased. He studied me seriously. â€Å"Hardly. But you are someone I'd like to get to know better, and I wanted you to see I've got more on my mind than just getting you into bed.† â€Å"So if I offered you sex here in this aisle, you'd turn me down?† The flippant remark came off my tongue before I could stop it. It was a defense mechanism, a joke to cover up how confused his earnest explanation had made me. Most guys did just want to get me into bed. I wasn't quite sure what to do with one who didn't. My glibness succeeded in killing the pensive moment. Roman became his old confident and charming self, and I almost regretted the change I'd wrought, wondering what might have followed. â€Å"I'd have to turn you down. We've only got six minutes now. They'd kick us out before it was done.† He snapped his attention to the drills with renewed vigor. â€Å"And as for my so-called handy skills,† he added, â€Å"I'm a remarkably fast learner, so I wasn't really exaggerating. By the end of the night, I will excel.† Not true. After arbitrarily picking out a drill and coming home, Roman set himself to aligning the bookcase's pieces and putting them together. He fit one of the shelves to the backboard, lined up his screw, and drilled. The drill went through at an angle, missing the shelf entirely. â€Å"Son of a bitch,† he swore. I moved in and yelped when I saw the screw sticking through the back of my bookshelf. We took it out and stared bleakly at the conspicuous hole left behind. â€Å"Probably it'll be covered by books,† I suggested. He set his mouth in a grim line and attempted the same feat again. The screw made contact this time but was still at an obvious angle. He pulled it out again, finally inserting it correctly on his third try. Unfortunately, the process only repeated as he continued. Watching hole after hole appear, I finally asked if I could try. He waved his hand in a defeatist gesture and handed me the drill. I fitted in a screw, leaned over, and drilled it in perfectly in my first attempt. â€Å"Jesus,† he said. â€Å"I'm completely superfluous. I'm the damsel in distress.† â€Å"No way. You brought the cereal.† I finished attaching the shelves. The walls came next. The backboard had small hash marks to help with alignment. With careful scrutiny, I tried to line it up cleanly along the edges. It proved impossible, and I soon realized why. Despite my perfect drilling, all of the shelves were affixed crookedly, some too far to the left or right. The walls could not fit flush with the backboard's edges. Roman sat back against my couch, running a hand over his eyes. â€Å"My God.† I munched on a handful of Lucky Charms and considered. â€Å"Well. Let's just line them up as best we can.† â€Å"This thing'll never hold books.† â€Å"Yeah. We'll do what we can.† We tried it with the first wall, and though it took a while and looked terrible, it sufficed as serviceable. We moved on to the next one. â€Å"I think I finally have to admit I'm not so good at this,† he observed. â€Å"But you seem to have kind of a knack. A regular handywoman.† â€Å"I don't know about that. I think the only thing I have a knack for is barely scraping by with things I have to do.† â€Å"That was a world-weary tone if ever I heard one. Why? You got a lot of things you ‘have to do'?† I nearly choked on my laugh, thinking about the whole succubus survival scene. â€Å"You might say that. I mean, doesn't everyone?† â€Å"Yes, of course, but you've got to balance them with things you want to do. Don't get bogged down with the have- to's. Otherwise, there's no point in being alive. Life becomes a matter of survival.† I finished a screw. â€Å"You're getting kind of deep for me tonight, Descartes.† â€Å"Don't be cute. I'm serious. What do you really want? From life? For your future? For example, do you plan on being at the bookstore forever?† â€Å"For a while. Why? Are you saying there's something wrong with that?† â€Å"No. Just seems kind of mundane. Like a way to fill the time.† I smiled. â€Å"No, definitely not. And even if it was, we can still enjoy mundane things.† â€Å"Yes, but I've found most people harbor dreams of a more exciting vocation. The one that's too crazy to ever actually do. The one that's too hard, too much work, or just too ‘out there.' The gas station attendant who dreams of being a rock star. The accountant who wishes she'd taken art history classes instead of statistics. People put their dreams off, either because they think it's impossible, or because they'll do it ‘someday' â€Å" He had paused from our work, his face serious once more. â€Å"So what do you want, Georgina Kincaid? What is your crazy dream? The one you think you can't have but secretly fantasize about?† Honestly, my deepest longing was to have a normal relationship, to love and be loved without supernatural complications. Such a small thing, I thought sadly, compared to his grandiose examples. Not crazy at all, just impossible. I didn't know if I wanted love now as a way of making up for the mortal marriage I'd destroyed or simply because the years had shown me that love could be a bit more fulfilling than being a continual servant of the flesh. Not that that didn't have its moments, of course. Being wanted and adored was an alluring thing, a thing most mortals and immortals craved. But loving and longing were not the same things. Relationships with other immortals seemed a logical choice, but employees of hell proved nonideal candidates for stability and commitment. I'd had a few semisatisfying relationships with such men over the years, but they'd all come to nothing. Explaining any of this, however, was not a conversation Roman and I were going to have anytime soon. So instead, I confessed my secondary fantasy, half-surprised at how much I wanted to. People didn't usually ask me what I wanted from life. Most just asked me what position I wanted to do it in. â€Å"Well, if I weren't at the bookstore – and believe me, I'm very happy there – I think I'd like to choreograph Vegas dance shows.† Roman's face split into a grin. â€Å"There, you see that? That's the kind of wacky, off-the-wall thing I'm talking about.† He leaned forward. â€Å"So what holds you back from bare breasts and sequins? Risk? Sensationalism? What others will say?† â€Å"No,† I said sadly. â€Å"Simply the fact that I can't do it.† † ‘Can't' is a – â€Å" â€Å"I mean, I can't choreograph because I can't write routines. I've tried. I can't†¦ I can't create anything, for that matter. Anything new. I'm not the creative type.† He scoffed. â€Å"I don't believe that.† â€Å"No, it's true.† Someone had once told me that immortals were not meant to create, that that was the province of humans who burned to leave behind a legacy after their short existence. But I'd known immortals who could do it. Peter was always concocting his original culinary surprises. Hugh used the human body as a canvas. But me? I had never been able to do it as a mortal either. The lack was in me. â€Å"You don't know how hard I've tried to do creative things. Painting classes. Music lessons. I'm a dismal failure at worst, a copycat of another's genius at best.† â€Å"You've been pretty adept with this building project.† â€Å"Another person's design, another person's directions. I excel at that part. I'm smart. I can reason. I can read people, interact with them perfectly. I can copy things, learn the right moves and steps. My eyes, for example.† I pointed to them. â€Å"I can apply makeup as well or better than any of the department store girls. But I get all my ideas and palettes from others, from pictures in magazines. I don't make up anything of my own. The Vegas thing? I could dance in a show and be perfect. Seriously. I could be the star of any revue – following another's choreography. But I couldn't write any moves myself, not in any major or significant way.† The wall was done. â€Å"I don't believe it,† he argued. His passionate defense both surprised and charmed me. â€Å"You're bright and vivacious. You're intelligent – extremely so. You have to give yourself a chance. Start small, and go from there.† â€Å"Is this the part where you tell me to believe in myself? The sky is the limit?† â€Å"No. This is the part where I tell you it's getting late, and I need to go. Your shelf is finished, and I have had a lovely evening.† We stood up and lifted the bookcase, leaning it against my living room wall. Stepping back, we studied it in silence. Even Aubrey appeared for the inspection. Each shelf sat at a crooked angle. One of the sidewalls almost lined up straight with the backboard's edge, the other had a quarter-inch margin. Six holes were visible in the backboard. And most inexplicably of all, the whole thing seemed to lean slightly to the left. I started laughing. And I couldn't stop. After a moment of shock, Roman joined me. â€Å"Dear Lord,† I said finally, wiping tears away. â€Å"That's the most horrible thing I've ever seen.† Roman opened his mouth in disagreement, then reconsidered. â€Å"It just might be.† He saluted. â€Å"But I think it'll hold, Captain.† We made a few more mirthful comments before I walked him to the door, remembering to give him his coat back. In spite of his jokes, he seemed more genuinely disappointed about our shelf failure than I did, like he had let me down. Somehow, I found this more appealing than his perfectly timed lines or charming bravado. Not that I didn't love those too. I studied him as we said goodbye, thinking about his â€Å"chivalry† and passionate belief in me following my heart's desire. The lump of fear I always carried around people I liked softened a little. â€Å"Hey, you never told me your crazy dream.† The aqua eyes crinkled. â€Å"Not so crazy. Just still trying to score that date with you.† Not so crazy.Just like mine. Companionship over fame and glamour. I took the plunge. â€Å"Well, then†¦ what are you doing tomorrow?† He brightened. â€Å"Nothing yet.† â€Å"Then come by the bookstore just before closing. I'm giving a dance lesson.† The dance lesson would have lots of people. It would be a safe compromise for us. That smile faltered only slightly. â€Å"A dance lesson?† â€Å"You have a problem with that? Are you changing your mind about going out?† â€Å"Well, no, but†¦ is it like the Vegas thing? You covered in rhinestones? Because I could probably get into that.† â€Å"Not exactly.† He shrugged, the charisma on high-beam. â€Å"Well. We'll save that for the second date.† â€Å"No. There's no second date, remember? Just the one, then that's it. We don't see each other anymore. You said so. Super-secret Boy Scout†¦ whatever.† â€Å"That might have been an exaggeration.† â€Å"No. That would be a lie.† â€Å"Ah.† He winked at me. â€Å"I guess those two aren't the same then after all, eh?† â€Å"I – † My words halted at the logic. He gave me one of his roguish bows before sweeping away. â€Å"Farewell, Georgina.† I went back inside, hoping I hadn't just made a mistake, and found Aubrey sitting on one of my shelves. â€Å"Whoa, be careful,† I warned. â€Å"I don't think that's structurally sound.† Although it was late, I didn't feel tired. Not after this wacky evening with Roman. I felt wired, his presence affecting both my body and mind. Inspired, I shooed Aubrey off the bookcase and started transferring my stacks. With each new weight addition, I expected collapse, but the thing held. When I got to my Seth Mortensen books, I suddenly remembered the cataclysm that had sparked this whole evening. Anger kindled in me once more. I'd heard nary a word from the writer the entire time. The getting-hit-by-a-car thing might still be a possibility, but my instincts doubted it. He had stood me up. Half of me considered kicking his books in retaliation, but I knew I could never do that. I loved them too much. No need to punish them for their creator's shortcomings. Longingly, I picked up The Glasgow Pact, suddenly anxious to read my next five-page installment. I left the rest of my books unshelved and settled on the couch, Aubrey at my feet. When I reached the stopping point, I discovered something incredible. Cady was developing a love interest in this one. It was unheard of. O'Neill, ever the charming ladies' man, got around all the time. Cady remained virtuously pure, no matter the number of sexual innuendoes and jokes she traded across the table with O'Neill. Nothing tangible had happened thus far in the book, but I could read the inevitable signs of what was to come with her and this investigator they'd met in Glasgow. I kept reading, unable to leave that plotline hanging. And the farther I read, the harder it was to stop. I soon took a secret, irrational satisfaction at breaking the five-page rule. Like I was somehow getting back at Seth. The night wore on. Cady went to bed with the guy, and O'Neill became uncharacteristically jealous and freaked out, despite his usual surface charm. Holy shit. I left the couch, put on pajamas, and curled up in my bed. Aubrey followed. I kept reading. I finished the book at four in the morning, bleary-eyed and exhausted. Cady saw the guy a few more times as she and O'Neill wrapped up their mystery – as enthralling as ever, but suddenly less interesting compared to the interpersonal developments – and then she and the Scotsman parted ways. She and O'Neill returned to Washington, D.C., and the status quo resettled. I exhaled and set the book on the floor, unsure what to think, mainly because I was so tired. Still, in a valiant effort, I got up from bed, found my laptop, and logged into my Emerald City e-mail. I sent Seth a terse message: Cady got some. What's up with that? Then, as an afterthought: By the way, the hockey game was great. Satisfied I'd registered my opinion, I promptly fell asleep†¦ only to be awakened a few hours later by my alarm clock.